Monday, November 17, 2008

Get it together, Grouch!

Why is everyone so damn cranky today? Everyone seems really quiet today. Not much chatter in the office. Everyone is just kinda shuffling around the office doing their own thing. They kinda grunt a “Hello” here and there, but otherwise, they keep to themselves. That's just as well I guess. I wanted to listen to my new CD anyway today, so I guess it works out.

Because I'm the "new guy", or at least the “newest” guy, I get to work late tonight.

I now get the privilege of driving to our disaster recovery site to do the quarterly backup. Nightly and weekly backups are automated, but we always send someone on site once every three months to do a “quarterly backup” and to make sure that everything is OK on site.

It's not too bad though. I get to take a road trip and I get my meals paid for. Steak and Cinnamon Rolls tonight, FTW! I'll be leaving sometime this afternoon.

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