Monday, November 17, 2008

More news at eleven...

The news is seriously bumming me out. There have been wildfires burning on the west coast for the last few days and it's just come to light that the fire might have actually been started by an explosion of some type at some research facility out in the area. Some of the “Experts” on the talking head shows are saying that they were doing some type of heavy-duty genetic research and there's a concern that some of that stuff might get spread around in the atmosphere because of this storm front, or a high pressure zone, or something.
Bad stuff.

There have been more reports of unresponsive oil tankers out in the middle east that might have been hijacked by pirates, Yes, REAL pirates, not the “pirates” that the big media companies are always whining about either. Guys with guns that throw you off of your own boat. That sort of thing.
Bad stuff.

There was also a blurb about a big National Guard deployment. They originally thought they were going to help with the wildfires, but the latest report says that they actually went in the opposite direction.
Bad stuff.

On a lighter note, the backup seems to be chugging along pretty well so far. It's already at 15%. If I'm lucky, I'll get to play some online games tonight. This place has one of those ridiculously fat Internet pipes, you know, like an OC-48 or something similar. In English, that means “Better than yo' Mama's Biscuits!”
Good stuff.


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