Monday, November 17, 2008

Head Crack Head Crack

So I head downstairs, out the front door, and out to my car. I look down the street and towards the other end of the block, I see some guy, just standing there. He's slumped over a little and he's just standing in one spot swaying back and forth a little like he's strung out on something. Basically, he looks like what we used to refer to as a “Hype” or a “Dope Fiend”, back in the day. I dunno, maybe he was a homeless guy, I couldn't really tell.

No biggie, it's not like I've never seen one of these guys before, so I normally wouldn't have noticed him if he didn't jerk his head completely upright as soon as I “beeped” my alarm off with my remote control.

“Bloop Bloop” and immediately, and I mean immediately, his head jerked up, almost like a dog or something, and he looked down the street directly towards me. He kinda stood there for a second and then started shuffling down the street towards me, but it wasn't the normal, homeless guy shuffle, it was weird. Maybe it was because I was paranoid because of the way he jerked his head around, but there was something about the way he was walking that just

I quickly poked into the back seat of the car to grab my stuff, but as I did that, I bumped the panic button on my remote control. Holy crap! What did I do that for?!?

A soon as the alarm went off, the homeless/dope fiend guy jerked to attention, yelled as loud as he could(Growled? Howled?) and started running directly towards my car at full speed. I snatched my stuff out of the car, slammed the door, ran into the building and locked the door. Just in time too, because half a second later, the homeless guy was banging on the window and yelling obscenities at me. What the hell is wrong with that guy?

I'm pretty sure he can't get into the building, so I'm not too worried about it. I didn't bother calling the Police because he technically didn't do anything to me and there didn't seem to be anyone else around that he could harm. I guess it was nothing, so I just came back upstairs and tried to forget about.

It was weird though, because the guy didn't really look “homeless”. He was actually wearing a suit (or what was left of a suit) and it looked like he had a $300 watch on. I guess that's what substance abuse does to people.

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