Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Super

So I wake up to someone beating on the door. But not your usual fast knock...pap-pap-pap-pap-pap-pap. It was more like pap----pap----pap----pap.

I'll be honest, I was kinda scared, so I just sat there for a minute because I wasn't sure what was going on. Plus, I was disoriented by waking up in a strange place. It eventually stopped and I heard whoever it was walking off very slowly. It sounded like they had a limp, because you could hear that they were dragging one of their feet.

I opened the door, very quietly, just enough to peek through and I saw an older guy, walking down the hallway. he was wearing overalls, so I'm assuming he was the janitor. I guess he was looking for whoever made that mess downstairs.

Just in case, I triple checked the lock before I went back to sleep. It's probably going to take me a while to fall asleep this time. That seriously freaked me out.

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