Monday, November 17, 2008


I was bored, so I went to take a look around. This place is kinda cool. There's a Halon system for use in fires. That's scary stuff. It's basically some sort of "magic powder" that can suck all the oxygen out of a room once it's exposed to the air. Scary but cool in a drastic measures kind of way.

There's a supply room here with a "disaster kit". Blanket, flashlight, flares, first-aid kit, batteries. The whole deal. Blech! It's even got some "Military Ration" type food-paste stuff in a tube. Nasty! I also noticed an identical cabinet on the other side of the room. It's in a separate server cage area, so I can't get to it, but I DID notice a big warning sticker on the front:

"Authorized Personnel Only Yadda Yadda FEMA EK-193 Yadda Yadda Subject to Prosecution Yadda Yada"

Do any of those people even speak English?

I got halfway downstairs when I realized that the store in the lobby was closed. I took that as an invitation to explore the office levels on my way back upstairs. Nothing fancy. Just like I thought, just a bunch of Doctors and Lawyers. There was one office that was some type of FEMA satellite office or something. I'm assuming it the office that leases that server cage area with the double padlocked cabinet.

On one of the floors, it looked like someone vomited all over the floor. It smelled HORRIBLE. IT looked pretty "fresh" because it looked like heat was rising off of it. Nasty!

I'm feeling sleepy, so I think I'm going to take a nap. I'll get up in a few hours and check on the backup. There's a cot in this office so at least I can stretch out for a while.

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