Monday, November 17, 2008

Want a lick? Sike!

Yes, "sike" is a word. Go look it up, wise guy ;)

I stopped at the coffee shop on my way to work and it was JUMPIN'! Apparently, that's where everyone was hiding. Everyone there seemed really tired, and pale. Kinda sickly looking even. I wonder if there's something going around. I need to remember to take one of those "bug-away" fizzy-tablet-things. You know, the ones with “all natural ingredients” that keep you from getting sick. God knows I don't want to get sick. I HATE being sick. One time, a girlfriend asked me, if I had to choose one, would I rather "sweat cheese", or "vomit marbles". I HATE throwing-up. Even talking about it makes me feel queasy. I guess I'd be a cheesy-smelling mofo fo' sho'.

There were at least three people in front of me in line that ordered double and triple shot espressos. This one dude ordered TWO triple shots. Now THAT's a gangsta-ass dose of caffeine. He must have a cast-iron gut. I told him, “I'd hate to see what my insides looked like after a shot like that!”. He just looked at me with this weird look and it kinda freaked me out. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he almost snarled at me. Weirdo. I had to leave anyway, so I paid for my coffee and my cinnamon rolls (Yes. Two. That's how I roll.) and split.

Maybe I should take two of those tablets.

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